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Silver Roller Ball Pen

Pure Silver Roller Ball Pen by OsasbazaarPure Silver Roller Ball Pen by Osasbazaar

Silver Roller Ball Pen

Original price was: ₹ 14,399.00.Current price is: ₹ 6,899.00.

You Save: ₹ 7500 (52%)
18Customer Reviews

♥ Description: A very sophisticated Silver Rollerball Pen which is definitely better than any branded pen. Made of 99% Pure Silver! A perfect Corporate Gift and birthday gift.

♥ Material: Pure Silver Body with standard Roller Ball Refill. Silver Purity: 97%-99%

♥ Dimensions: Length: 13.7 cms, Diameter: 1.2 cms, Silver Weight: Approx. 18-20 gms.

♥ Packaging: Ready-to-Gift, Silver Leatherette & Blue Satin/Velvet Box.

♥ Certification: BIS Hallmarked Item.

♥ Free: You get a Free Silver Care Kit with this product!

Please read detailed description below ! हिंदी में विवरण पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें ।

18Customer Reviews
Nov 29, 2020 by Munieshwari Munieshwari on amazon

A silver pen

This pen is excellent to write and looking so beautiful and finally I like this brand and I love this pen☺️☺️??☺️☺️ Check the original review here!
Oct 3, 2020 by Flipkart Customer on

Mind-blowing purchase

Check the original review here!
Sep 9, 2020 by Flipkart Customer on

Must buy!

Excellent product
Check the original review here!
Aug 4, 2020 by M.Balaji on amazon

Very Impressive Silver Pen.

On seeing the pen out of its package, I was impressed and felt happy for buying the pen. Silver is used as top and bottom parts of the pen. The middle part, we hold during writing, is made of white and matching stainless steel. I think it is fine coz only this part of pen is subjected to more pressure during writing. Apart from this, remaining parts of the pen are made with silver only. I also got fully signed card promising buying back the pen by the manufacturer at any time future. The pen feels good when writing and weight is right for long time usage. I also bought another German made silver pen already. But, in that pen only top portion is silver and remaining parts of pen are only plastic and it was costing more than this pen. Impressed by the look, construction, I bought another pen as a backup for the first one. In short, I am happy with this pen and I highly recommend this to pen collectors and lovers. Check the original review here!
Mar 2, 2020 by Amazon customer on amazon

Good quality pen

Good quality pen. If ink color is blue it will be more appreciable.
Check the original review here!
Feb 20, 2020 by Not bad on amazon


Nice Check the original review here!  
Jan 30, 2020 by Akanksha on amazon
Superb Quality
Perfect for gifting.. Loved it
Check the original review here!
Jan 2, 2020 by Garima Shukla on amazon


Good quality
Check the original review here!
Dec 14, 2019 by Deba on amazon


Check the original review here!
Jul 12, 2019 by Nirmal singh on amazon

material is very fine it must be toughened

good but very delicate
Check the original review here!
Jun 11, 2019 by Karan raj sinh zala on amazon

Best available Sterling Silver pen.

I ordered it as gift for someone who means a lot to me... And let me tell you guys it is the perfect sterling silver pen I can ever find. Received within time and product is just amazing. Heavy in weight, eligent look with perfect cap and smooth writing. And how can I forget box with blue ribbon. Great deal ? Check the original review here!
Apr 13, 2019 by RAJNISH on amazon

Excellent product

Writes smoothly has a chunky grip better than mmtc product hope they bring out a fountain pen with ink converter
Check the original review here!
Dec 4, 2018 by Flipkart Customer on

Mind-blowing purchase

excellent product and luxurious
Check the original review here!
Nov 4, 2018 by Flipkart Customer on


Check the original review here!
Aug 5, 2018 by Amar A. on amazon

Silver Pen

Apr 17, 2018 by Bhaskar Kuntal on

Mind-blowing purchase

This BIS Hallmarked 999 Roller Ball Pen is good for anything & everything, from writing a signature for a business deal or scribbling a doodle on a post it note. This Roller Ball Pen is not only an invention of Precious Silver metal and the German ink which somehow transfers liquid inside a cartridge to writing on a paper, it is much more than that. Once you buy this pen, you will perceive that it is not merely a pen but it is a tool used by the brain, the hands ✋, and the imagination to copy and physically transform lifeless ink into expressions of our minds & ? hearts. As soon as I received this pen from OSASBAZAAR, being an Advocate by profession I couldn't stop myself and managed some spare time from my busy schedule & wrote this unbiased review with 100% genuinity on which one can rely upon. Thnx to OSASBAZAAR !!!
Check the original review here!
Dec 25, 2017 by Sandeep Chakraborty on

Mind-blowing purchase

Check the original review here!
Apr 1, 2016 by Flipkart Customers on

Total Ratings Received

One 5 star ratings, Two 4 star ratings & One 1 star rating received on Flipkart! Average - 4 Stars! Check the ratings here!


A very sophisticated Silver Rollerball Pen which is definitely better than any branded pen. Made of Pure Silver! A perfect Corporate Gift and birthday gift.

Osasbazaar® Pure Silver Roller Ball Pen – BIS Hallmarked:

Pens of one type or the other have been used for thousands of years. But we all need that one pen which is special to us. Presenting a Pure Silver Pen by Osasbazaar® which you can keep close to your heart. This is your special pen. It is sophisticated, uber & plush. It is better than any branded pen because it has an intrinsic value, because it is made of silver with 97%-99% purity. This is a rollerball pen. A rollerball pen uses liquid ink. It is smoother and more fluid compared to ballpoint pen. It also has a finer writing line and requires less pressure while writing. The refill in the pen can be changed, so write all you want!

♥ Material:

The body of the pen is made of Pure Silver Metal of 97%-99% Purity. It uses a standard roller ball refill. The refill is removable.

♥ Design:

A Sophisticated combination of pattern design with glossy finish makes it look very appealing. The pen has a sturdy built and feels very luxurious. It comes with a perfectly fitting cap.

♥ Dimensions:

Length: 13.7 cms, Diameter: 1.2 cms.
Silver Weight: Approx. 18-20 gms (Silver articles are handmade so, weight might differ).
Check ‘Features’ image.

♥ Packaging:

Ready-to-Gift, Silver Leatherette & Blue Satin/Velvet Box.
You get a Free Silver Care Kit with this item!

♥ Certification:

This item is BIS Hallmarked (Check hallmark Image).

♥ Gift Occasions:

It’s a wonderful gift for almost every occasion. Best for Corporate Gifting and work related events. Also a great gift on birthdays and casual occasions.

♥ Ideal Gift For

All your family and friends. Useful gift to impress your work associates and clients. Also a romantic gift for your loved one!

♥ Warranty:

Lifetime Buyback Warranty on Silver Metal. Please click here for further details.

ओससबाज़ार® शुद्ध चांदी का रोलरबॉल पॉइंट पेन :

हजारों वर्षोंसे कई प्रकार के पेन या कलम उपयोग में लाये जाते है। लेकिन हर कोई चाहता हैं की एक पेन हमारे लिए कुछ विशेष हो। ओससबाज़ार® आपके लिए एक शुद्ध चांदी का पेन प्रस्तुत कर रहा है,जिसें आप अपने दिल के करीब रख सकते हैं। यह आपका विशेष पेन है। यह सुन्दर है,पॉश और आलिशान है। यह दूसरे किसीभी नामी कम्पनी के पेन सें अच्छा है,क्योंकि यह शुद्ध चांदी सें बना है। इसलिए पुराना या ख़राब होने पर भी इसका एक आंतरिक मूल्य है। यह एक रोलरबॉल पेन है। एक रोलरबॉल पेन में तरल स्याही होती है। बॉलपॉइंट पेन की तुलना में यह अधिक गहरा लिखता है। इससें लिखाई बारीक और सुन्दर होती है। और लिखते समय कम दबाव देने की आवश्यकता होती है। इस पेन की रिफिल बदली जा सकती है,इसलिए आप जितना चाहें लिख सकते हैं।

♥ धातु

इस पेन की बॉडी शुद्ध चांदी से बनी है। जिसमें चांदी की शुद्धता ९७% - ९९% है। इसकी रिफिल निकाली तथा बदली जा सकती है। तथा बाजार में आसानी से उपलब्ध है।

♥ डिजाईन

पेन पर चमकदार पॉलिश के साथ पैटर्न डिजाइन का एक सुन्दर संयोजन है। इसकी सादगी बहुत मनभावन है। यह आपका अतिविशेष पेन है। इसमें खींचकर खोलने के लिए एकदम सही ढक्कन है।

♥ नाप तोल

लम्बाई : १३.७ से.मि. चाँदी का वजन : लगभग १८ सें २० ग्राम (चाँदी का सामान हाथ सें बनाया हुआ होता है, इसलिए वजन में कुछ फर्क हो सकता है।) ऊपर दिए हुए "विशेषताओं के चित्र" को देखें।

♥ पैकेजिंग

सिल्वर लेदरेट और नीले साटन / मखमल बॉक्स में पैक किया हुआ। इस आईटम के साथ आपको सिल्वर केयर किट तथा गिफ्ट किट मिलता है।

♥ प्रमाणीकरण

यह गिफ्ट आइटम बी.आई.एस. हॉलमार्किंग किया हुआ है। ( ऊपर हॉलमार्किंग का चित्र देखें। )

उपहार के अवसर

यह लगभग हर अवसर के लिए एक अद्भुत उपहार है। कॉर्पोरेट और कार्य से संबंधित आयोजनों में उपहार देने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ है। जन्मदिन और अन्य अवसरों पर यह एक सुन्दर उपहार है।

♥ यह उपहार किसें दें?

आपके सभी परिवार और दोस्तों को, अपने काम के सहयोगियों और ग्राहकों को प्रभावित करने के लिए दें। अपने प्रियजन के लिए यह एक रोमांटिक व उपयुक्त उपहार भी है।

♥ वॉरन्टी

चाँदी की वापिस खरीददारी की जीवनभर की गारंटी है। कृपया अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें